Land For Wildlife Fund
The Land For Wildlife Fund helps protect critical wildlife habitat, biodiversity and species at risk through land acquistion for conservation. Our efforts are complimented by leveraging partnerships with other non-profits, First Nations, corporations and various levels of government.
The Land for Wildlife Fund
The Land For Wildlife Fund has provided protection to critical wildlife habitat, biodiversity and species at risk. These efforts are complimented by leveraging partnerships with other non-profits, First Nations, companies and government entities.
In 2022, the Foundation awarded $25,000 to Southern Interior Land Trust Society (SILT) that acquired Bourguiba Spring - Lot 16, Osoyoos for conservation. Lot 16 is 16.6 ha (41 acres) of open, moderately to steeply sloped low-elevation (600m) with bunchgrass grassland interspersed with open sagebrush and other shrubs.
The Land For Wildlife Fund has leveraged well over $1,000,000 to help purchase over 27 properties around the province over the past two decades.