Saving lives on BC’s roads: Wildlife Collision Prevention is a program that promotes education, collaboration and evidence-based science for drivers to prevent harming wildlife.
Safer Roads for People & Wildlife
Wildlife Collision Prevention aims to make BC’s roads safer for both people and wildlife. A major focus of the program is education and awareness for motorists to reduce wildlife vehicle collisions.
Wildlife Collision Prevention is a partnership with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) and numerous other groups.
Collisions between motor vehicles and wildlife are a serious problem for species conservation and management, public safety, animal welfare and the economy.
Wildlife vehicle collision records indicate that during a typical year in BC:
• 4 people are killed and 870 people are injured.[i]
• 5,700 animals animal carcasses are removed from BC highways.[2]
• More than $700,000 is spent by BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure on cleanup.[3]
• $48 million is no longer available due to lost hunting license revenue and the environmental and extrinsic values of less wildlife living in their natural habitats.
• ICBC spends over $41 million dollars on animal-related crash incidents annually.[4]
• Substantial costs are incurred from policing, medical expenses, workers compensation and employment insurance, and lost worker productivity.
We are reimaging the Wildlife Collision Prevention Program in 2023. We held an expert consultation session to identify policy implications we are planning to pursue in the months ahead.
We will be outlining these initiatives soon!