
Learn more about our programs in aquatics and restoration, fish and wildlife, conservation projects, and funding and land acquisition.


Aquatic Research and Restoration Centre

Our team of biologists offers an extensive history of successful project development and implementation on the east side of Vancouver Island. 


WildSafeBC is a provincial leader in preventing conflicts between people and wildlife through fostering collaboration, education and community solutions.

Land for Wildlife Fund

Our Land for Wildlife Fund helps conserve fish and wildlife  populations throughout BC. Through working with other partners we have been acquiring land to ensure more natural areas remain for future generations. 


Community Conservation Fund

The Community Conservation Fund supports community-based conservation initiatives around the province.

Program objectives aim to provide community-based approaches, collaboration, applied knowledge and/or education to positively impact fish and wildlife populations at the local level.



Wildlife Collision Prevention

Wildlife Collision Prevention aims to improve safety on BC roads through educating motorists about wildlife.