In 2003, BC Conservation Foundation granted $25,000 to Nature Trust BC to acquire and manage the 3,921 hectares of the Hoodoos.
The property is one of the most significant in the province for bunchgrass, shrubs (Saskatoon, Willow, Shepherdia, Rabbit Brush) and Douglas-Fir. The area supports grassland dependent bird species such as Vesper Sparrow, mammals such as American Badger and winter forage for elk and deer.
Great Blue Herons feed in the wetlands along with over 100 other bird species, along with beaver and muskrat. Garter snakes and amphibians are common in the area. Small pockets of Aspen forest, a well developed shrub layer and the occasional Paper Birch provide winter habitat for grouse, forage for White-Tailed Deer and nesting habitat for songbirds.